Aura - Your Next Best Thing to Paradis...
At Aura, the only thing you will hear are the rustle of leaves and bird calls.The only thing you will see is trees and the endless skies between them.The only thing you will breathe in is the flower and herb scented air. Your senses suffused with purest, out here yotu're half way to nirvana... simply put the next best thing to paradis.
Aura is envisioned as a companion piece to Auroville, bordering the southern forests and a residential concept that benefits from all the positive vibes of its enchanting neighbor. It follows simplicity as a guiding principle so one may never for a moment lose touch with the beautiful outdoor with all the benefits of modernity added for good measure. The only thing left now is for you to grace it. Step in to the next best thing to paradis.
Surprisingly Private Residential Community
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